Monday, February 16, 2009

Pertanyaan Untuk Software Developer Team

Sempet baca-baca beberapa buku, menyimpulkan beberapa pertanyaan antara lain:
  • If the hard drive on your workstation crashed right now, how much work would you lose?
  • would it a take as small amount of time for you to get a new machine up and running for development?
  • can you build your entire product With one command?
  • can you build your entire product From your Source Code Management system?
  • can you build your entire product On any team member’s workstation?
  • can you build your entire product With no external environmental requirements?
  • Do you have tests in the system?
  • Is anyone paying attention to the test system? Are the notifications turned on?
  • Does your build get fixed quickly or stay broken for days?
  • Does your build finish in a reasonable time?
  • Can you generate a list of the top-priority, unaddressed issues?
  • How about the second-tier issues?
  • Can you generate a list of last week’s fixes?
  • Can your system reference the code that fixed the issue?
  • Do your tech leads use this system to generate to-do lists for development teams?
  • Does your technical support team know how to get information out of the system?
  • can you generate the last product version’s “new feature” list by running a report from this system?
  • Is your test suite effective? Are your tests catching bugs?
  • Is the product you’re testing stable?
  • Are the tests being run automatically?
  • Do your tests tell you whether they pass or fail?
  • Does everyone in your team have the ability to add tests?
Jika jawaban pertanyaan pertama itu "none", kedua dan seterusnya adalah "yes", that team is truely a world-class developer team. Kasih tau gw ya kalo ada perusahaan yang begitu :D

Aniwei, meski Sangkuriang Studio belum seperti itu, tapi akan menjadi seperti itu dalam waktu dekat, Amin Amin


  1. Hm in Gemalto, most are Yes. We use MKS as Configuration Management, very powerful (and complicated T.T). And my team use internal application called Automate to automatically test the system we develop.

  2. gila riza..
    gila rika..
    anyway, one man shop gw: no 1: none, no 2: a couple of hours. Time Machine FTW!

  3. @Rika

    di gemalto ato tim lo? kok jawaban amudi tampak berbeda? :p

    bisa kasih info lebih lanjut mengenai Continuous Integration di tim lo?
